I have never been the biggest fan of Valentine’s Day, never hated it either, simply indifferent. A whole day devoted to celebrating love, but aren’t we asked and even commanded to love every day? It does make you think though, about love, the whole act of “loving”. I went to a private Christian high school and we were required to take Bible class every semester. I’ll never forget a comment that was said one day from my Bible teacher. He said, “Love is not an emotion. It’s a choice.” I never really gave it much thought or consideration, but simply thought to myself that surely love WAS an emotion. It is something we feel, it tugs on the heartstrings, makes you act crazy, makes you laugh, and makes you cry. How is that not an emotion? However, the older I have gotten and the more “life experiences” I have, I start to ponder this idea of Love being a choice.
It is hard at times for me to keep my mouth shut! I have gotten feisty over the years, or maybe it is better described as burned. I have been burned, by the ones that I loved…but haven’t we all! It is sometimes hard to sit idly by and smile when someone hurts you. It is that smile that is becoming harder and harder to muster. People it is a struggle for me, but I recently read in Colossians 3:12-15 this great picture of love. “So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on the heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience: bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you. Beyond all these things PUT ON LOVE, which is the perfect bond of unity. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts…” What powerful words! The Lord is asking us to PUT ON LOVE, choose it, choose it every day, choose it when it is easy and most importantly choose it when it is tough! Love is indeed a choice, one that is hard to swallow sometimes. I find it interesting too that my Bible entitles this chapter “Put on the New Self”. Oh I love that! Goodness, I need that “New Self” sweater today! Just as we carefully select our wardrobe for the day, we need to thoughtfully robe ourselves in the love of God! It was God that first CHOSE to love us, and aren’t we blessed to know it! So let’s Put on Love today, and every day!
I am trying to remind myself every day to make this a conscience CHOICE! I recently created for myself a notepad and art print that displays this truth! The little notepad reminder and the art print is going to be offered at the Brittany Morgan shop for you to have a reminder too!! I have created several others with my favorite verses and hymns. I hope you enjoy and we can help each other to Put on Love!